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  • United Kingdom
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  • 0.0015
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Buy Warticon - podophyllotoxin - 0.0015 - 5g cream Warticon podophyllotoxin Brand United Kingdom
Stocked by Mar 20 or later
0.0015 5g cream DR $52.64 Add

Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.

Podophyllotoxin (also known as podofilox) is sold in a cream, lotion or topical solution to treat external warts, including genital warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). The medication does see use in treating a range of other conditions, but administration differs; do not buy podophyllotoxin to treat any condition other than warts.

The medication works by inhibiting reproduction of wart cells, so warts cannot grow or spread. Eventually the wart cells die, allowing new, healthy skin cells to grow in place of warts.

Eliminating Warts

Podophyllotoxin can be used on any external wart; it should not be used on internal warts inside the rectum, vagina, penis opening, mouth, and so forth. If it does get in these areas, immediately flush with water for 15 minutes.

When applying to external warts:

  • Wash and hands and affected area; make sure application site is dry.
  • Using a cotton-tipped applicator, apply cream or solution to warts.
  • A fingertip may be used if no applicator is available.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after application.
  • Avoid getting podophyllotoxin on healthy skin as much as possible.
  • Repeat twice per day for a maximum of 3 days in a row.
  • Wait at least 4 days before beginning a new 3-day treatment, if additional treatment is needed.
  • Warts should begin to die after 3 days of treatment, but it may require several cycles of 3-day treatments to completely eliminate them.

Some other tips to ensure treatment is trouble-free:

  • The medication contains alcohol; avoid open flame while applying.
  • A layer of petroleum jelly at the base of warts will help keep the medication off of healthy skin.
  • Avoid skin-to-skin contact with others shortly after treatment; it may irritate their skin as well.
  • Do not use more than one wart treatment at the same time without first checking with a doctor or pharmacist.

To some extent getting the medication on surrounding healthy skin is unavoidable. If possible, wash it off with water. By the third day of treatment, skin around warts may become mildly irritated; red, tender, sore, itchy, and skin may peel.

Alternative Treatments

There are several methods by which warts may be treated:

  • Immunologic therapy boosts the immune system with medications.
  • Surgical excision involves physically removing warts.
  • Chemical or physical destruction destroys wart cells topcically, such as with liquid nitrogen, lasers, or a cream or solution like podophyllotoxin.

While all methods have their pros and cons, patients often prefer to buy podophyllotoxin for a number of reasons:

  • Topical solutions are considerably less expensive than surgery or immunologic therapies.
  • There are fewer side effects than many chemical or physical destruction methods.
  • It does not leave scarring as often happens with laser removal or cryotherapy (freezing).
  • It's easy to use and can be applied discreetly at home.
  • It works quickly -- often completely clearing up a wart outbreak in just 2 to 4 weeks.

Though effective for most patients, there are always exceptions. If warts do not significantly clear up within a month, it's probably worth exploring other options rather than continuing to buy podophyllotoxin.

Adverse Effects

The most common side effects are local skin irritation where the medication was applied. If itching or pain become severe, or if the area begins to bleed, speak with a doctor before continuing treatment.

If the medication is ingested, seek emergency medical attention.

This product should not be used while pregnant or nursing.

Buy Podophyllotoxin from the Comfort of Home

Kiwi Drug sells authentic medications handled by licensed professionals just like any other pharmacy. Saving money does not mean sacrificing quality!

A prescription is not required to buy podophyllotoxin. You're welcome to contact us with any questions.

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